Lady Cougars Softball District play starts TODAY, Monday, March 17th. All district games will be played at Tinsley Park (in the back/newer part of the complex). Come out and support our ladies on the diamond!

Our Blue Belle Danceline Try-Out Clinic is this Tuesday through Thursday from 2:30-4:30 in the Cope Gym.
Tryouts are Friday 2:30 - 4:30!
Best of luck to these students who met the requirements to tryout!

Monday, March 17 (the day we return from Spring Break) is the 4th day of five days for five dollars! Students who paid to participate may wear GREEN SHIRTS, ST. PATRICK'S DAY SHIRTS, AND JEANS OR SWEATPANTS to school at Cope Middle. If you didin't pre-pay for this, unfortunately, you cannot not participate.

CMS parents and students: Are your kids bored at home this Spring Break? Have them practice and prepare for the upcoming LEAP using these codes in the image below! The password needed is teach2025. They can choose their grade level and which content they think they need practice on! It's a great way to keep their brain engaged while on this break!

Happy Pi Day!! These are a few pictures of our seventh graders learning about Pi Day before we got out for Spring Break! We hope you can find a circle today and ask your seventh grader the significance of it! Bring learning outside of the classroom as we wrap up spring break!
The Pi symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159. (That's why it is celebrated on 3.14, March 14!) All circles no matter its size, have the same ratio-- Pi!

CMS parents and students: Are your kids bored at home this Spring Break? Have them practice and prepare for the upcoming LEAP using these codes in the image below! The password needed is teach2025. They can choose their grade level and which content they think they need practice on! It's a great way to keep their brain engaged while on this break!

Cougars are helping those in the community!!! 328 Capri Sun & Kool-Aid Jammer drink pouches were collected for the Bossier Pack-a-Sack Program. Thanks to our Cope Middle 4-H & BETA club members for collecting these for those in need! A huge thank you to Mrs. Woodall for delivering these items to the program as well! Your are efforts make #thecopedifference!

Congratulations to these CMS Basketball players who were selected to participate in the 3rd Annual Middle School All Star game (Shreveport All Stars vs. Bossier All Stars)
7th grade boys:
Le’Kendrickus Lewis
Jaden Poland
8th grade boys:
Savion Jackson
Josiah Perry
Sawyer Shuler
Nathan White
7th grade girls:
Kyleigh Gates
Jordynn McGee
Khloe Player
Our student athletes worked hard for this recognition and deserve this acknowledgement. Help us send them your BEST shout-outs!

Two of our CMS 4-H Club participants have found success in the 4-H BB Competition.
Breylon Fortenberry & Omari Randolph both placed individually as well as both making the 3rd place team within the area!
We are so proud of these 7th grade Cope Cougars for representing our school and themselves so well! Congratulations, guys!

Last Friday, the Cougars travelled to Haughton High to participate in the Special Olympics. You can see by the smiles on their faces that it was an experience to remember! There were numerous people, both faculty and students, who tagged along to help make this endeavor a huge success! We are so grateful for those who take their time to support these students to make this a fun event! They returned to our campus with ribbons in hand as a reward for their hard work! We are SO proud of you all!

CMS will be closed for Spring Break March 10-14, 2025. Classes will resume Monday, March 17, 2025

💙🧡Congratulations to the 2025-2026 CMS Cheerleaders! 🧡💙

CMS will be closed for Spring Break March 10-14, 2025. Classes will resume Monday, March 17, 2025

⚽️Tonight's SOCCER games were awesome!
🧡💙CMS defeated GMS and played an excellent game!!
Boys: GMS(1)-CMS(7)
Scorers were:
3-Pedro Martinez
1-Hudson Marshall
1-Myles Belle
1-Eli Peterson
1-Nery Alvarado
Girls: GMS (2) & CMS (3)
2-Charli Hays

Today the CMS Symphonic Band performed @ the District VIIi Large Ensemble Assessment and earned all Superior ratings for a 16th year in a row! CONGRATULATIONS to this group of 7th and 8th grader band students on a job well done! Another kudos to Band Director, Mr. Rabon, for all of the time, efforts, and organization with our band students and always raising the bar of excellence! Cheers for them ALL! They make the Cope Difference! #thecopedifference

Tonight at Centenary, Mr. Budgewater directed the beginning choir as they sang three songs, and they were followed by the advanced choir . Each group was given valuable feedback by the guest clinician, Dr. Cory Wikan. Dr. Wikan is the Dean of Music at Centenary. He gave our CMS Choir immediate feedback and suggestions. The students were able to practice and improve on the spot. It was a great! Great job all around.

Our very own eighth grader, Carley Riley, was recognized tonight for her outstanding leadership, community involvement, and superior academics as Cope Middle's Student of the Year at the BP school board meeting this evening. We are so proud of her; she is just precious! She is one student that definitely represents the Cope Difference! Carley is also one that will lead the way in this world as she continues on her life's journey! Congratulations, Carley

CMS parents and students, we need your help! We would LOVE to honor our students' active duty and retired military parents and guardians on our "Hero Wall" on campus!!! Please email Erin.Friedlund@bossierschools.org with any questions. Please send them by March 28, 2025.

Congratulations to our 2025 8th grade Track & Field Team at Cope Middle. We have some talent in the group! Keep your eyes out for their accomplishments!

👑👑 7th grade King Cake Day 2025👑👑
Our CMS 7th graders experience all things related to Louisiana's Fat Tuesday today! Royal from the Krewe Of Centaur came to speak to them, they had king cake, Mardi Gras beads, and doubloons... and even a little Louisiana weather experience 😩 in the hallway. 🧡💙🧡They handled it ALL like the CHAMPIONS they are!! 🧡💙🧡 Cheers for our 7th grade teachers & paras who orchestrated the Lagniappe... more fun and memories to last a lifetime!